I just got home after a weekend trip and found the last container of carrot seeds I had planted had a hole dug in it. It's not that tall, so I'm thinking a squirrel climbed in there. The seeds hadn't sprouted yet, so I'll have to wait till they do to see how much damage was done. Half of the carrot seeds I'd planted in small containers for my mom had met some mysterious demise over the weekend, so I stuck the remaining ones in a large container and also tried thinning out one of my containers and transplanting the ones I pulled out. With such small, delicate root systems, I don't know if any of them will survive. If not, I'll toss some more seeds in there.
I dug up one of the cloves of garlic in my attempt to put it in a larger container. At first I thought all I had was a container of ants, but the clove was down in there, looking pretty much the same as when I stuck it in, only dirtier.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Lettuce be happy
Here's what I've got:
heads 5 inches
50 days to harvest
heads 6-8 inches. plant 16 inches high/wide.
66 days to harvest
6-7 inches long
62 days to harvest
125 days to harvest
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
One of These is Not Like the Others
The carrots have also been growing. I am curious what these other little seedlings are that have sprouted in both the carrot pots and one of the onion pots. I haven't decided yet whether to pull them out or see what they turn into. See the middle of the photo below for the odd man out.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Soaker Hose
The composter is still producing flies and curious neighbors. Another lady stopped on the corner as she was driving by this afternoon and apologized for asking, but wanted to know what it was. That was about five minutes after the lady across the street came over and asked. It is unique looking. It's slowly migrated toward the front yard too as I try to move it into full sun to help with the decomposition, thus making it visible to anyone driving by.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Specks of Green
More little seedlings have popped up in the carrot containers over the past couple days. A couple of the onions sprouts also made an appearance since yesterday.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Lots of Flies
Almost a week into my first composting experience I can't say much for any progress actually producing compost but I've increased the fly population in my yard exponentially. They literally swarm out of the composter when you unscrew the top. I'm hoping as things decompose a little more in there it'll get better. I've got what I believe to be a pretty even mix between greens and browns- fruit/veggie scraps, leaves, grass clippings, and newspaper/cardboard. I've wetted it down as best I can (water just flows out of the seams at the bottom when I dump any more in). It's sitting in the sun. All that's left is time. For now though the only good thing I can say about it is that it doesn't smell. Unfortunately I can't say the same for the plastic containers in the kitchen we've been putting the kitchen scraps into. They smell terrible when you crack the lid on them and actually even sorta reek even with the lid on if you sniff at them. It's a smell I just had not experienced before.
As for more pleasant matters, the three little broccoli seedlings are looking good... as good as a two centimeter tall stalk with a couple leaves can look anyway. There are a few wispy little green shoots in one of the carrot containers that may be carrots. There are none in the other container though, so I don't know. The broccoli I planted for Mom hasn't sprouted either. I've also forgotten what container I planted it in, so I've been peering at all of them and whispering encouraging messages.
The aloe babies I transplanted into old yogurt containers are looking much more greenish than brownish, so I'm taking that as a positive sign that I didn't kill them in the transplant. I'm thinking I either pulled them a bit too early or gave them too much water at the beginning.
As for more pleasant matters, the three little broccoli seedlings are looking good... as good as a two centimeter tall stalk with a couple leaves can look anyway. There are a few wispy little green shoots in one of the carrot containers that may be carrots. There are none in the other container though, so I don't know. The broccoli I planted for Mom hasn't sprouted either. I've also forgotten what container I planted it in, so I've been peering at all of them and whispering encouraging messages.
The aloe babies I transplanted into old yogurt containers are looking much more greenish than brownish, so I'm taking that as a positive sign that I didn't kill them in the transplant. I'm thinking I either pulled them a bit too early or gave them too much water at the beginning.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Hello Broccoli
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Starting My Fall Garden
Yesterday my seeds from Park Seed in SC arrived as well as the garlic I ordered from www.thegarlicstore.com. I planted a few containers each of carrots, onions, broccoli, and garlic.
I put the carrots in my two largest containers and did my best to spread out the seeds, but as tiny as they are it was tough. Keeping them moist might turn out to be a full-time activity since right now I'm watering (more like misting) them with a spray bottle.
I have three containers each of onions and broccoli and am planning on one piece of produce for each container. Finally, I did a window box with three cloves of garlic that I bought and then another container in which I stuck a clove from Trader Joe's just to see if it would sprout. I stuck some of the other cloves I purchased in the fridge as the tip on the instructions that came with them suggested, and I'll plant those in a couple weeks. There's still a little space in my reinvented garden cage, so perhaps I'll do another couple containers of broccoli then too or perhaps the lettuce. I'm considering waiting until Spring for the lettuce. Right now I think it would be too hot for the seeds to germinate.
And yes, you read that right, the garden cage has risen again from the tangled mess of bent screen I found when we got back from vacation due to a storm that hit while we were gone. I picked the three straightest screens of those remaining and turned them on their sides and attached them together to create a tunnel of sorts. Then I closed the ends with some chicken wire-type material. I didn't have enough to full enclose one end so there's a gap at the top. I haven't decided yet if I should worry about that. I also haven't staked the new structure down, which I'll need to do before the first wind comes along. When I do that though I'll lose all physical access to the plants since I don't have a door like I did with last season's taller garden cage. All issues to be worked out in the future...
Friday, September 3, 2010
Composting Death Star
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