Thursday, June 10, 2010


I'm sad to read online that zucchini male flowers can't pollinate butternut squash female flowers because they are from a different species. Another female butternut blossom opened this morning and there are at least several more on the way. I don't see anything that resembles a guy on any of the butternut plants though. Disappointing.

Two of the three tomato plants are down to a singular non-rotted tomato and both of the plants look like they're dying from the bottom up. I moved the one plant that doesn't seem to be failing completely into the cage and haven't taken a good look at it since last week, but the tomatoes are making no visual progress on turning from green to red.

The honeysuckle is also on death's doorstep, although Eric is feeling positive about a couple new shoots on one. On the other hand, the passion flower, which the tag said is supposed to like sun to part sun, seems to be doing fine in pretty much total shade. So far. I thought the honeysuckle would be ok in the shade so I'm wondering if the bad drainage caused the roots to get too wet.

At least the zucchini and the beans aren't letting me down.


  1. Ah, you are learning science first hand.

    I've got an actual butternut about 3" long on the ground this morning and two with unopened buds.

    The zucchini that Dad "assisted" is huge and the one I "helped" yesterday has started to grow. It better so I can make a whole batch of bread.

    All my tomatoes are still incredibly green. I'm thinking fried green tomatoes. I wonder if it's just sun that's needed to ripen them or are they missing some nutrient being in pots. Each of the two surviving plants from Tricia has one tomato each that look like they've been stitched up like Frankenstein.

    Otherwise, I've got one eggplant that I'm going to give to T & J, two more beans on the second plant - now I'll have 7 to cook for supper, and three banana peppers that are slowly enlarging so I'm holding off on harvesting them.

    How's Eric's basil? My one plant is about a foot tall. I didn't watch the cilantro and it went to seed. Sigh.

  2. The butternut squash I have that already bloomed have gotten slightly bigger, but I imagine they'll rot soon since they can't pollinate with the zucchini. I'm going to watch and see. No sign of the guys yet.

    Sharon said she grated one zucchini and was able to make two loaves of the zucchini bread recipe I sent you.

    I don't know what's up with the tomatoes. I have one plant still that has good looking ones on it but now some of the leaves are looking bad.

    The mint took off since I put it outside. I still have the basil inside though and its pretty stagnant. Probably wants more sun. Maybe I should move it out to the cage.

    I wish I'd given you more bean plants so you could have an actual meal. Next year. I love how low maintenance they are.
